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你曾经在巴塞罗那、伦敦和北京,包括Plasma Studio、Groundlab在内的事务所,有着丰富的建筑和城市设计工作。这些工作经历对你后来个人和reMIX临界工作室的发展有什么样的影响
You have worked in various architectural and urban design practices in Barcelona, London and Beijing, including Plasma Studio and Groundlab. What has this experience brought to your personal development
We understand reMIX as an international multidisciplinary studio so a diverse background certainly helps bring new perspectives to our everyday practice in China. Sometimes new projects here happen at such a fast pace that we don’t have the time to dig deep into research and inject new ideas into our design so we need to rely on our past experience and having worked for many years in offices that are strongly based on academia helps us provide a new angle to our initial concepts and move in a very agile way between research and practice.
△ reMIX合伙人 reMIX studio
Can you share more about reMIX studio For example, in the field of design, what are you most interested in
reMIX is particularly interested in the intersection between architecture and landscape design, at all possible scales: our work spans from very small installations and renovation projects all the way to large master plans. In architectural projects we often focus on the boundary between interior and exterior and the tectonic integration of the built volumes with the ground; in larger projects, the landscape element becomes infrastructural and defines the quality and the functionality of the public space.
Knowing that you and your partner have different backgrounds, how did you deal with the differences in foreign culture and social concepts at work
In my opinion, the main cultural challenge for a foreign designer in China is more related to the care of personal relationships and communication with the clients than to specific design issues.
When we deal with clients, it is very important to establish a mutual trust from the very beginning and having a strong Chinese presence in the office certainly helps us understand the cultural background and the specific expectations of each project.
May I ask how to combine academia and practice in parametric design Can you take the project as an example to discuss
Parametric design is usually associated with a very formal approach to architecture: parametric tools are in fact essential in the exploration of complex geometries. But that is not the type of parametric application that we use and teach: in our research we use parametric tools mainly for site analysis, taking advantage of large computational capacity to dig into as many layers of information as possible that can help us understand how a site performs and what potentials for design are hidden in its initial conditions.
△ 利用参数化工具进行场地分析 reMIX studio
In our masterplan for SIAT campus, for example, we used parametric tools to analyse the water runoff from the adjacent mountain, quantifying the water flow and redistributing it to create the optimal configuration for the new water reservoir that structures the campus as a central spine.
As a young designer, what is your design concept and pursuit What kind of feeling do you want to bring to the public through your design
In recent years we have been working on a lot of projects of new schools. Traditionally Chinese schools only operate at the large scale of the morning exercises - where each student is part of a multitude - or at the individual scale of a desk in the classroom, but the school buildings lack a true variety of scales and qualities that could make them attractive to different students.
One of our main challenges was to create a public space that can be used for as many different activities as possible. For example, in Guangdong climate, exterior corridors can easily be extended into much more than pure circulation spaces.
Our goal is to break down the large scale of a school campus into many pockets of different sizes where every student can find a comfortable corner to socialize and play in groups or develop his/her own interests on their own.
Knowing that you have taught courses at the Architectural Association, Veritas University (San Jose, Costa Rica), MIT and other schools, can you give some advice to young architects
Many Chinese students choose to take a master abroad and when they come back to China and enter the job market, they often struggle to find a position that matches their high expectations. I think that it is very important to get an exposure to other academic environments and challenge ourselves outside our comfort zone, so going abroad is a great move, but young graduates should be aware that this is just the beginning of their professional training.A master abroad probably makes them faster learners but doesn’t make them fully rounded professionals so it is equally important for them to start their career path gaining practical experience in the field. Rather than aiming at the highest possible starting salary in commercial offices that have little to teach them, I would advice young graduates to spend a few years completing their toolbox and understanding the professional world from the inside to be able to identify more clearly which profile of architects they want to become and what type of office best matches their goals.
What new projects does the firm want to try in the Chinese market Different from other countries, which aspect of the construction market in China do you think has the most room for development
在未来, 继续在教育建筑板块延伸扩展的同时,我们希望可以探索文化建筑、办公建筑、混合建筑等不同的建筑类型。在校园尺度的设计里,我们可以充分地挖掘一个场地在绿色基础设施和公共空间方面改变周围社区的潜力。对于未来而言,新的城市设计框架——比如海绵城市——现在是广东地区新项目的基础,也有可能成为未来城市的新原型。
We are very happy working on educational projects and, in the future, we would like to explore more varied typologies at a similar scale (cultural, mixed use, offices, etc.). Working at the scale of a school/university campus, we can fully explore the potential for a site to transform the surrounding neighbourhood, both in terms of green infrastructure as in terms of public space. New urban design frameworks like the sponge city that are now at the base of all new developments in Guangdong have the potential to become new prototypes for our future cities.
Sustainable urban and ecological development is highly valued by the public. What role do you think architects and designers should play in this regard
Sustainability is often just a superficial layer added on top of a project in the very last phase of development, like a sticker that developers put on the box to gain some points with the public opinion, but true long-term sustainability needs a truly multidisciplinary approach to make sure all the variables are at the core of the design. While engineers might be the most technically prepared professionals, they often tend to divide a complex situation into individual systems that are not coordinated with each other so I believe that architects are more used to work with complexity and have the best profile to move across disciplines preserving a wholistic understanding of the project.
ps. 2023年3月4日广州·保利世贸2号馆论坛区我们,不见不散!END.
发起主办机构:广州设计周、英国GloW-DESIGN、美国SC集合设计学院学术支持机构:澳门科技大学全球战略合作伙伴:柏尔地板资源合作伙伴:鹰牌2086、Blum 百隆特约合作媒体:广州设计周媒体联盟、iDesign绝对设计、FRAME框架、日本设计小站、belong、Luce e Design(意大利)、ARCHIWORLD世界之旅设计报奖平台:设计纪元全球联盟机构:Tokyo Design Week(日本)、NCS Color Academy(瑞典)、Izmir Ekonomi University(土耳其)、Scandinavian Branding Academy(丹麦)、Chabros International Group(阿联酋)、Sensu Communications(加拿大)、vectorfield architects(日本)、EarthenHive Architects(印度)、SchilderScholte architects(荷兰)、Creative Capital(意大利)、Constann Design(新加坡)、Cameron Woo Design(新加坡)、Irene Pansadoro Design(意大利)、FASHION·CULTURE·DESIGN(英国)、Insight School of Interior Design(香港)、Serenity Made Co.Ltd(意大利)、Raptor Global Corporation Ltd(澳大利亚)、Karan Grover & Associates(印度)、Beltramelli Interior Detailor(意大利)、Art Canton(中国)、Yigao Culture(中国)、Association of Professional Interior Designers(阿联酋)、Council for International Accreditation of Architecture & Design(阿联酋)- 全球战略合作伙伴 -鹰牌2086,成立于2016年12月28日,是广东鹰牌陶瓷集团有限公司旗下的瓷砖品牌。“鹰牌”代表品牌的实力品质,与“鹰牌制造”一脉相承;“2086”,意为“设计时光”,是房子的一生也是生活的美好时光,融汇传统与现代,东方与西方,赋予瓷砖艺术独具风格的时尚,对立均衡间演绎属于鹰牌2086的设计美学,以现代设计诠释满足新生代消费者的美好生活。
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