
IDD | 对话巨匠:走进三代家族传承建筑事务所 HENN Architects / VOL.7

来源:世展网 分类:家居装饰,家装设计行业资讯 2022-12-07 13:57 阅读:6431

特别鸣谢 | 首席领先伙伴

RARA 系统定制家居



IDD世界领先设计对话,是广州设计周联合GIA广州设计周全球伙伴联盟中的中外设计领先机构、组织和媒体发起的一项对话世界设计领先者的国际设计交流计划,IDD世界领先设计对话以「MASTER MIND巨匠的思索」为思想探寻的的主旨方向,希冀通过与世界领先设计巨匠对话,探索世界领先设计思想,以世界领先推动中国领先,以中国领先影响世界设计。

IDD世界领先设计对话 · 宣传片



Dialoguing With Masters To Follow The Leading



Martin Henn

德国 | Germany



HENN draws on decades of design experience to create visionary work environments. We shape the complex spatial and social needs of our clients into spaces that are beautiful, performative and responsive. Our commitment to an ecologically and socially sustainable future is guided by our belief that architecture can be an active agent of change and a driver of innovation. 


HENN is a third-generation architecture studio with over 70 years of experience, with offices in Berlin, Munich and Beijing. HENN has completed more than 150 projects and counts 350 team members from more than 40 nations. As a general planner, HENN works on projects involving architecture, urbanism and master planning across all project stages, scales including workplace design, education, science and research, health, automotive and culture. HENN designs spaces for people and companies shaping the future.

- IDD对话巨匠系列专访 -

本期走进三代家族传承建筑事务所 HENN Architects

对话 海茵建筑总裁 Martin Henn


- 本期特别鸣谢 -


ISENSE DESIGN吾觉空间设计创始人/设计总监

LeleGao 高楽楽

独立品牌策划人、高乐乐(北京)设计师经纪STUDIO 创始人

对话巨匠:走进三代家族传承建筑事务所 HENN Architects · 访谈正片

 Martin Henn         


Managing Director and Head of Design at HENN

Martin Henn 是海茵建筑的总裁和设计总负责。他在斯图加特大学和苏黎世联邦理工学院学习建筑。他于2006 年获得苏黎世联邦理工学院建筑硕士学位,并于 2008 年获得纽约哥伦比亚大学高级建筑设计专业硕士学位。在加入海茵建筑之前,他曾在伦敦的 Zaha Hadid 建筑师事务所和纽约的 Asymptote 建筑事务所工作过。

Martin Henn is Managing Director and Head of Design at HENN. He studied architecture at the University of Stuttgart and at the ETH, Zurich. He received his Master’s Degree in Architecture from the ETH, Zurich in 2006, and his Post-Professional Master of Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University, New York in 2008. Prior to HENN, he worked for Zaha Hadid Architects in London and Asymptote Architecture in New York. 





HENN is renowned for the design of office, science, and industry and many areas. What is the main design philosophy behind those design process And how does it come about 


Well, we start each project with programming. Programming basically stands for a very deep understanding of the problem that we're trying to solve. So, it's a team at the very early stage of a project roughly 15 to 20 people who try to set the context of a project, try to really build up a dialogue with our client, and to develop and to define what we call the DNA of a project and also the overall vision. And that's then basically where the design process is starting and where we're trying to find kind of a special solution for this vision.

 Programming 工作场景

Programming Work Scene



After almost a century of inheritance and practices, are there any changes to adjust the newer and younger market 


Definitely lots of changes. I think the unify element is probably the mindset known as the way of thinking, but the world has changed drastically. Also we are using completely different tools. We have different input parameters. For example, sustainability today is one of the main drivers of our design. 

 Brainergy Hub 脑力中心




As the third generation of the family architecture design studio, how do you proceed the inheritance and the responsibility as an architect 


I see there is an evolutionary process. I think there are certain things that you want to carry further, but at the same time, you're trying to innovate and to change. So finding the right balance between those two is what keeps us alive, and also interesting for the outside world.

海茵建筑早期项目 Deckel Machine Factory

 Heinrich Heidersberger

欧司朗总部 Osram HQ

 Heinrich Heidersberger

默克创新中心 Merck Innovation Center




How would you describe HENN (by) using three words 


I would say curious, visionary, I think we're always trying to push the boundaries and to try out new things, and passionate. At the end of the day, we all really like what we're doing. And I think that's very important to reach good results. 

海茵内部项目讨论会 HENN Internal project Meeting




How do you enrich your knowledge and constantly get new ideas and inspiration And how does HENN encourage the employees to innovate their creation


Well, within HENN we have a huge network of experts from early phases all the way to the realization construction of projects. They are integrating their knowhow in seminars and lectures that they're giving inhouse. We're also inviting external guests to speak in our academy lecture series. And we're going out to conferences, speaking and meeting people, getting into conversations, building up a discourse, that’s informing our everyday life in the office.

海茵柏林设计周学术讲座 HENN Berlin Design Week Academia

Konstantin Brner



What is the difference between German and Chinese market and how does HENN face the challenge 


Well, within HENN we have a huge network of experts from early phases all the way to the reThe way in Europe and Germany is more developed. Also, there are lots of cities built so we are dealing a lot with an existing infrastructure and it's much more about the adaptive reuse of buildings. Sustainability, as I said before, is of great importance and has actually become an integral part of the codes and regulations. And I think in that sense, China is different,they are still in ahigh urbanization rates, so many projects have to be built from scratch, universities, and schools so for young people to learn and to live their lives, new homes, and also office environments. So, the context of the markets, therefore, are still quite different. I would say but what is interesting is that -in Germany we learn from China and vice versa. So we can have kind of insights and innovations and we can sort of transport them from one market to another.


China-France Aviation University


TUM Electrical Engineering and IT Faculty Buiding


Arena 2036

Corinna Spitzbarth Fotografie

杭州华为研究所 Huawei R&D Park

 存在建筑Archexist Photography


Kingdee Headquarters



走进海茵建筑 - 专访现场花絮


 Martin Henn:杭州西湖大学是我们去年完成的一个项目。这是一个容纳大约5000名学生的整个校园的设计项目,它是以一个同心圆为中心组织的设计概念。在学校的中心是一个学术环,不同的学院楼通过我们所说的学术环连接起来。因此,这就是不同学科聚集的地方。学生们可以在这里互动和会面。

This is Westlake University in Hangzhou, a project that we completed last year. And it's an entire campus for roughly 5000 students and organized in kind of a concentric circle. Also you have the academic core at the center, the different institutes’ buildings connected through what we call the academic loop. So this is where the different disciplines are coming together. Students can interact and meet.


And then around this here is a beautiful landscape, What a landscape, along which are essential functions that contains the library, all allocated and then sports and residential programs all the way around. 

西湖大学 Westlake University

 西湖大学 Westlake University

西湖大学 Westlake University



This one here is the main entrance. Also you basically enter through here there's a big plaza and then enter the campus from all four sides. 

粤港澳大湾区高性能医疗创新中心 IHM · GBA

 田方方 Tian Fangfang


This one here is also very interesting project which is much smaller in scale. It's in Guangzhou for a company that does 3d printing of human tissues. And the idea here is that we basically have two basic functions: laboratories and offices. And they are intersecting. At the intersection are spaces for communication and the people coming together. 


And the whole building is organized in three sections and also at the bottom you have spaces for display showrooms, publicly accessible. And then the main part here is for the development of businesses and ideas. And the top part is for the actual clients who is headquartered in that building. And we just received the latest photographs and also you can see how the building is looking like.

粤港澳大湾区高性能医疗创新中心 IHM · GBA

田方方 Tian Fangfang


What also a really interesting feature are these green terraces though that are directly connected to the workspaces so for people to go outside and to take a break and to enjoy the views over the city.

粤港澳大湾区高性能医疗创新中心 IHM · GBA

田方方 Tian Fangfang

· END ·


GZDW Committee

Contact:陈女士 Orrero Chan

Mobile:+86-136 5009 3587











