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发言人内德·普赖斯在美国国务院12月2日的记者会上关于中国的评论摘译如下:普赖斯先生:“首先,过去两天来,常务副国务卿温迪谢尔曼(Wendy Sherman)与欧盟对外行动署秘书长斯特凡诺·桑尼诺(Stefano Sannino)一直在华盛顿进行会晤,进一步推进欧盟-美国战略伙伴关系。双方于昨天参加了美国-欧盟“中国议题对话”第四次高级别会议,并于今天参加了美国-欧盟“印度-太平洋议题高级别磋商”第三次会议。双方一致认为,美国和欧盟在其战略展望上从未如此一致。双方还强调了大西洋两岸关于在世界各地捍卫自由、民主和人权所持的共同、强有力的决心。双方强调了双方一直以来致力于进一步采取协调行动,应对当下全球挑战的决心。在美国-欧盟“中国议题对话”上,双方强调了美国和欧盟就其对中华人民共和国的方针持续保持密切接触的重要性,其中的方面包括经济多样化、中华人民共和国不断对全球经济体施加的经济胁迫、俄罗斯对乌克兰发动的无端且无理的入侵战争、促进遵守国际法和人权原则、维护台湾海峡和平稳定的重要性,以及中国在东中国海和南中国海的单边行动。因注意到了正在中国发生的抗议,双方还确认世界各地所有人都有和平抗议的权利。”[...]问:谢谢召开这场记者会,很感谢。我想快速地问一个问题,关于在中国发生的抗议。很显然,我们看到在上周末抗议有几分爆发之势,而从那以后一直有很大规模的警力部署,没有太多新的抗议发生。我就在想——已经有一些评论,包括伯恩斯大使的评论,但是我就在想,美国国务院有什么要说的吗——我的意思是,我觉得我就是想知道你们现在预计会发生什么。我的意思是,你们觉得中国政府在这些城市铺天盖地部署警察可以说是成功地镇压了这些抗议吗?我的意思是,鉴于“清零”政策的继续,以及——我想未来有可能会有更多封控或是其他可能会导致更多动乱的事情发生,美国国务院预计抗议会继续吗?普赖斯先生:谢谢Iain。对我们来说,问题并不是太在于中国将要做什么。那是中华人民共和国(PRC)当局要考虑的问题。我可以回答的问题是中国应该做什么。我们已经清楚地表明,在中华人民共和国的人们当然有权利没有恐惧地进行和平抗议。他们与世界各地的人们一样,都拥有同样的普世权利,有集会自由、表达自由,以及我已经说过的和平抗议的自由。我们认为这种权利不应以任何方式受到阻碍或干涉。我们将继续表达我们对这一基本自由的支持,正是因为它是一项基本自由。新闻自由同样也是。在这些抗议的过程中,我们也看到新闻自由受到阻碍。[...]发布会全文请见:https://www.state.gov/briefings/department-press-briefing-december-2-2022/
At the December 2 Department of State Press Briefing, Spokesperson Ned Price comments included the following excerpted points related to China:
MR PRICE: “First, for the last two days, Deputy Secretary Wendy Sherman and the EU’s External Action Service Secretary-General Stefano Sannino have been meeting in Washington to further advance the EU-U.S. strategic partnership. They participated in the fourth high-level meeting of the U.S.-EU dialogue on China yesterday and the third meeting of the U.S.-EU high-level consultations on the Indo-Pacific today. They agreed that the United States and EU have never been more aligned on our strategic outlooks. They also underlined the strong joint transatlantic resolve in defending freedom, democracy, and human rights worldwide. They stressed their ongoing commitment to take further coordinated action to address the current global challenges.
In the U.S.-EU China Dialogue, they emphasized the importance of the United States and the EU maintaining continuous and close contact on their approaches to the PRC, including on economic diversification, the PRC’s ongoing economic coercion of international economies, Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine, promoting respect for international law and principles of human rights, the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and China’s unilateral actions in the East and South China Seas. They also affirm that everyone around the world has the right to peacefully protest, mindful of the ongoing protests in China.”[...]
QUESTION: Thanks for doing this. Appreciate it. I’ve got a quick question on the China protests. Obviously we saw them sort of burst out last weekend, and since then there’s been a pretty heavy police presence and not much new protest. I’m just wondering – there’s been some comments already, including from Ambassador Burns, but I’m just wondering, from the Department – I mean, I guess I’m just wondering what you guys expect now. I mean, do you think the Chinese Government just flooding these cities with police officers has kind of successfully put these protests down I mean, does the department expect them to continue given just the continuation of the “Zero COVID” policy and the – I guess the prospect in the future that there would be more lockdowns or other things that could prompt more unrestMR PRICE: Thanks, Iain. The question for us is not so much what China will do. That’s a question for PRC authorities. The question I can answer is what China should do, and we’ve been clear that people in the PRC have a right, of course, to peacefully protest without fear. They have the same universal rights that people around the world have to freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, freedom to, I said before, protest peacefully. We don’t think that right should be hindered or interfered with in any way. We’ll continue to express our support for this fundamental freedom precisely because it is a fundamental freedom, as is freedom of the press, which we have also seen hindered during the course of these protests.[...]For full transcripts of this press release:https://www.state.gov/briefings/department-press-briefing-december-2-2022/世展网公众号 |
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