
来源:世展网 分类:贸易行业资讯 2022-11-21 19:01 阅读:3838




上海美国中心 | Shanghai American Center

女性电影人的女性凝视第七场:女性主义、集体创作、影像制作The Female Gaze of Women Filmmakers Talk Series Session 7 : Feminism, Collectivity, Filmmaking

时间:11月23日,周三,18:30Time:  Wednesday, November 23, 18:30

参与方式登录Zoom客户端输入会议号16015840305Online access: You can join Zoom app using Meeting ID 16015840305

什么是“女性凝视”?它的涵义究竟是什么?为什么越来越多的女性电影人/创作者引用这项术语来诠释她们的作品?看还是被看、观察还是被观察,注视的背后是否存在着有意识的选择?What’s the “female gaze” What does it mean indeed Why are more and more women filmmakers/creators using this term to explain their works Seeing or being seen, observing or being observed, is there a conscious choice behind the gaze  

11 月 23 日,在我们的讲座系列“女性电影人的女性凝视”的第 7 期,我们很高兴邀请到奥地利艺术家和影像制作人 Marlies Pschl 通过 zoom 与我们连线,通过她的作品片段和我们分享她在艺术视频中的影像制作经验。我们将讨论一些有趣的话题,如女性主义与关怀、参与性集体创作项目、视触觉、开放型剧本等。她作为影像艺术家、策展人和教育工作者的丰富经验为常规影像制作带来了全新的角度,并将激发我们的创作灵感。

On November 23rd, in the 7th session of our talk series “The Female Gaze of Women Filmmakers,” we’re thrilled to invite Austrian artist and filmmaker Marlies Pschl to connect with us via zoom.  She will share her filmmaking experience in creating art videos and will share examples of her work. We will discuss topics around feminism, participatory projects, visual hapticity, open scripts, and more. Her rich experience as an artist, filmmaker, curator, and educator brings another angle to our story on women in filmmaking.

活动语言为英文。This event will be conducted in English.

关于嘉宾 About the Speakers 

Marlies Pschl 

Marlies Pschl是一位艺术家、影像制作人、策展人和教育工作者。目前生活于奥地利维也纳,并在国际范围工作。她在维也纳美术学院和萨尔茨堡国际夏季美术学院任教。作为影像艺术协会 “金像素合作创作社(The Golden Pixel Cooperative)” 的联合创始人和前任主席,她制定了聚焦女性主义和生态学的公共空间展览、放映等项目的艺术策展策略。辗转于艺术、策展和教育之间,尤其对于艺术作为一种知识生产形式抱有浓厚兴趣,她将影像制作理解为一种社会实践,并常与艺术界以外的演员合作,进行复调叙事和开放式剧作实验。最近,她专注于西方社会对于“关怀危机”的应对方式。她的作品获过众多奖项:2021 年,她获得了 Golden Pixel Cooperative 的创新电影奖(Diagonale),以及表彰她独立作品的青年艺术家奖(维也纳市)。她的影像和装置曾在多个个展中展出,最近一次是在德国路德维希港艺术协会 (2022)、奥地利萨尔茨堡艺术协会 (2021)、法国Brétign当代艺术中心 (2018)。她还曾参展于多个双年展及电影节,其中包括奥地利维也纳创新双年展、德国斯图加特电影冬季展、加拿大反物质媒体艺术节、英国爱丁堡国际电影节 、伊朗真实电影、意大利对角线等。

Marlies Pschl is an artist, filmmaker, curator, and educator. She is currently based in Vienna (AT) and works internationally. Pschl taught at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna as well as the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts, Salzburg. As co-founder and former chairperson of “The Golden Pixel Cooperative”, an association for moving images, she has developed artistic-curatorial strategies for exhibitions, screenings, and projects in public space with a focus on feminism and ecology. Shifting between artistic, curatorial, and educational approaches, Pschl is interested in art as a form of knowledge production. She understands filmmaking as social practice and often collaborates with actors from outside the art world in search for polyphonic narrations and open-ended dramaturgies. Recently, Pschl has focused on ways in which western societies respond to the “care crises”. Pschl has received various prizes for her work: in 2021 she was awarded with the Prize for Innovative Cinema (Diagonale) as part of The Golden Pixel Cooperative, as well as the Young Artist’s Award (City of Vienna) for her individual work. Her films and installations have been shown in several solo presentations, most recently at Kunstverein Ludwigshafen, DE (2022), Salzburger Kunstverein, AT (2021), CAC Brétigny, (2018). She has participated in biennales and film festivals such as the Vienna Biennale for Change (AT), Stuttgarter Filmwinter (DE), Antimatter media art festival (CA), Edinburgh International Film Festival (GB), Cinema Verité (IR), Diagonale (AT) and others.

关于本系列 About this Series


What happens when a woman looks at the world with her own eyes, and expresses by her own thoughts What’s the difference between the dominating “male gaze” and the “female gaze” that observes and contemplates When a woman thinks, writes, desires, and creates, what is she trying in fact to say and achieve behind this “female gaze” 


For this series, we invite 12 women filmmakers, writers and artists from different countries and cultural backgrounds, to share with us their creative process and life experiences as women creators, through eight talks.  Whether alone or in conversation with another, the guest speakers will help us “turn the look back,” to discover the creative source power that we all have in us.


“Anything may happen when womanhood has ceased to be a protected occupation,” said the British writer Virginia Woolf.  All genders can create films with a female gaze. All female gaze expresses a certain awareness and awakening in its singular uniqueness. This talk series will take an approach of artistic exchange and sharing, rather than an academic and theoretic lecture. We’ll hear the women filmmakers’ authentic stories of creation, from the “Dogma 95” film movement to behind the scenes of the contemporary documentary, fiction, and art video production. Often multi-talented and crossing different art forms: writer, director, producer, actress, cinematographer, choreographer, dramaturge, poet, artist, these women creators use their art, thoughts, and experiences to bring us a new perspective for the future.



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