
来源:世展网 分类:品牌展行业资讯 2022-10-31 19:54 阅读:2775

上海美国中心 | Shanghai American Center

女性电影人的女性凝视第四场:诗意电影中的女性体验The Female Gaze of Women Filmmakers Talk Series Session 4 : The Female Experience through a Poetic Cinema

时间:11月2日,周三,18:30Time:  Wednesday, November 2, 18:30

参与方式登录Zoom客户端输入会议号16015840305Online access: You can join Zoom app using Meeting ID 16015840305

什么是“女性凝视”?它的涵义究竟是什么?为什么越来越多的女性电影人/创作者引用这项术语来诠释她们的作品?看还是被看、观察还是被观察,注视的背后是否存在着有意识的选择?What’s the “female gaze” What does it mean indeed Why are more and more women filmmakers/creators using this term to explain their works Seeing or being seen, observing or being observed, is there a conscious choice behind the gaze  

11月2日,“女性电影人的女性凝视”系列活动第四期,我们很荣幸邀请到希腊著名电影演员兼导演Sofia Georgovassili与美国诗人作家 Kat Grasso通过Zoom与我们连线,畅谈诗意电影中的“女性体验”。Sofia Georgovassili作为一位经验丰富的女演员和短片导演,将与我们分享她的最新电影短片《风雨回忆录(Memoir of a veering storm》。该片目前正在全球巡映,并获得了众多国际赞誉和奖项,包括第72届柏林国际电影节。Kat Grasso作为资深作家和诗人,也将与我们分享她的诗意创作和女性体验,与索菲亚的电影经验遥相呼应。

In the 4th session of “The Female Gaze of Women Filmmakers,” we are delighted to welcome Greek actress and director Sofia Georgovassili and American poet & writer Kat Grasso via Zoom.  They will talk with us about the “female experience” in poetic cinema.  Sofia Georgovassili, an experienced actress and filmmaker, will share with us her latest short film “Memoir of a Veering Storm,” which has been screened around the globe, winning international praise and prizes, including at the 72nd Berlinale. Kat Grasso, senior writer and poet, will also share some points about her creative process, echoing some of Sofia’s experiences in filmmaking.

活动语言为英文。This event will be conducted in English.

关于嘉宾 About the Speakers 

Sofia Georgovassili

Sofia Georgovassili 是一位屡获殊荣的希腊女演员和电影人。她作为导演的第一部短片《Preparation》(Proetoimasia)在多伦多国际电影节“Short Cuts 2017”全球首映。她最新的短片《风暴回忆录(Memoir of a veering storm)》在 2022 年柏林电影节国际电影节全球首映。目前她正在筹备自己的第一部长片电影故事片“Mignon”。Sofia G.通过该电影项目在 CineLink - Sarajevo FF 获得了包括 ARTEKino 国际奖在内的奖项。Mignon 还是 2020 年的 Cinereach 受助项目,以及 2019 年 Oxbelly 编剧和导演实验室项目之一。

Sofia Georgovassili is an awarded Greek actress and filmmaker. Her first short film as a director, Preparation (Proetoimasia), had its world premiere at Toronto International Film Festival, Short Cuts 2017.Her latest short film Memoir of a veering storm had its world premiere at Berlinale IFF, Generation, 2022.She is now at the pre-production of her first feature film under the title Mignon, for which she won awards including ARTEKino International Prize at CineLink - Sarajevo FF.  Mignon is also a Cinereach grantee, 2020 and an Oxbelly

Screenwriters & Directors Lab fellow, 2019. 

Kat Grasso

Kat Grasso 是一位诗人和作家,居住在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶郊外的 Topanga Canyon。她关注于女性体验、性、身体智慧以及大自然。她是 Joy Agency 的创始人,也是 Redroom Collective 的联合创始人。Redroom Collective 是一个女性社区,通过每月定期聚会,开展互动课程和诗歌、精神体验等活动。

Kat Grasso is a poet and writer, based in Topanga Canyon, outside of Los Angeles in California. Her focus is on female experience, sexuality, body-wisdom and devotion to great nature. She’s the founder of Joy Agency, and co-founder of Redroom Collective, a community for female-identifying humans that holds monthly gatherings, interactive classes and experiences in magic(k), poetry, tantra, and more.

关于本系列 About this Series


What happens when a woman looks at the world with her own eyes, and expresses by her own thoughts What’s the difference between the dominating “male gaze” and the “female gaze” that observes and contemplates When a woman thinks, writes, desires, and creates, what is she trying in fact to say and achieve behind this “female gaze” 


For this series, we invite 12 women filmmakers, writers and artists from different countries and cultural backgrounds, to share with us their creative process and life experiences as women creators, through eight talks.  Whether alone or in conversation with another, the guest speakers will help us “turn the look back,” to discover the creative source power that we all have in us.


“Anything may happen when womanhood has ceased to be a protected occupation,” said the British writer Virginia Woolf.  All genders can create films with a female gaze. All female gaze expresses a certain awareness and awakening in its singular uniqueness. This talk series will take an approach of artistic exchange and sharing, rather than an academic and theoretic lecture. We’ll hear the women filmmakers’ authentic stories of creation, from the “Dogma 95” film movement to behind the scenes of the contemporary documentary, fiction, and art video production. Often multi-talented and crossing different art forms: writer, director, producer, actress, cinematographer, choreographer, dramaturge, poet, artist, these women creators use their art, thoughts, and experiences to bring us a new perspective for the future.






