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备受期待的 hy-fcell China 2023 国际氢能与燃料电池技术展览及会议将于 10月26-28日在上海闵行星河湾酒店国际会议中心举办。今年的hy-fcell China主论坛关注的是可持续发展背景下的能源转型及经济效益抉择,四个技术论坛关注的是氢能燃料电池技术关键领域的创新发展,分别是:燃料电池电堆系统与核心部件技术专场、氢燃料电池及关键设备的制造解决方案技术专场、电解水制氢技术路线技术专场、储氢与加氢解决方案技术专场。会议日程日前已全面出炉,现场将有来自十多个国家和地区的三十多位全球氢能和燃料电池技术专家和学者发表演讲与学术交流。
hy-fcell国际氢能与燃料电池技术展览及会议在德国已成功举办二十余年,始终站在塑造氢能和燃料电池行业未来的最前沿。作为清洁能源解决方案的标志性展会和会议活动之一,它持续地推动了全球氢能和燃料电池技术的应用发展。hy-fcell 覆盖了氢能和燃料电池产业的整个价值链,作为展示尖端创新、促进合作和推动可持续发展实践的平台,已在全球享有盛誉。从研究机构到行业先驱,hy-fcell 汇集了行业的核心领袖,共同推动实现一个更环保、更可持续的未来。
演讲嘉宾介绍 About Speaker
高 朋Gao Peng
维世科大中华地区大客户销售经理Key Account and Sales Manager
现任ViscoTec 维世科大中华地区大客户销售经理,曾在德国深造,主修工程,在精密流体物料输送领域具有10余年的丰富经验,特别擅长新能源汽车电子领域的应用。Assume the position of Key Account and Sales Manage, Graduated in Germany in engineering, 10 years working experience in accuracy dispensing for automotive, especially in E-Mobility.
演讲简介 Keynote Brief
燃料电池技术在提升发电量的诸多应用中有着巨大的潜力。在燃料电池制造中处理粘性物料ViscoTec 维世科可以提供多种应用,例如双极板上的粘合剂和密封条的流体处理应用。
ViscoTec 维世科并不局限于燃料电池生产中的粘合剂和密封应用。譬如膜电极组件制造步骤也是另一种有趣的应用。它包含质子交换膜 (PEM) 和活性催 化剂。阳极和阴极的相应含催化剂糊剂通过计量供给不间断地输送到半透膜上。Fuel cell technology has the potential to improve power generation in numerous applications. ViscoTec deals with different applications of viscous materials in fuel cell manufacturing, such as adhesive and sealing beads on bipolar plates.ViscoTec does not limit itself to adhesive and sealing applications in fuel cell production,however. The membrane electrode assembly manufacturing step, for example, is also an interesting application. It contains the proton exchange membrane (PEM) and the active catalysts. The corresponding catalyst-containing pastes of the anode and cathode are applied to the semipermeable membrane in a continuous process via the dispenser.公司介绍 ViscoTec 维世科
ViscoTec 维世科是德国制造的中高粘度流体处理和处理系统和设备的专家。ViscoTec 维世科公司总部位于德国巴伐利亚,专门致力于各种精密点胶设备及其配件生产商,尤其擅长中高粘稠度物料的定量输送,是该行业的领导者。我们在粘性介质的精密计量、点胶、清空、组份、输送、充填、涂敷等方面具有超过25年的丰富的行业应用经验。ViscoTec 维世科提供技术先进的流体传输解决方案, 德国制造的质量,助力中国的发展。在半自动以及全自动化生产线线或者组装流程中,ViscoTec维世科专业生产物料定量供给系统以及组件。我们期待为客户在高端细分市场提供精准、可靠、快速以及成熟的技术。为了这个目标,我们持续改进我们的产品、给这个市场带来我们的理念并且不断提升我们的产品质量与服务。从清料到准备再到供料和流体物料的输送,除了适用于最复杂应用的先进技术解决方案之外,ViscoTec 维世科还为整个系统提供所有的相关组件,最大化保证所有组件的匹配度。所有粘度最高达 7.000.000 mPas 的流体物料都可以几乎无脉动地输送和计量供给,并且实现极低的剪切力。我们所设计和生产的组份打胶系统、空桶系统、物料处理系统、计量泵、卫生泵、灌装系统广泛应用于电动汽车、航空航天、新能源、医疗技术、制药、电子制造、食品和日用化妆品等诸多行业。ViscoTec is expert in medium to high viscosity fluid handling and treatment systems and equipment made in ec is leading German manufacturer which offer high-precision dispensing pumps and systems worldwide for 25 years with special on dosing technology for medium and high viscosity fluids and pastes. ViscoTec supplies advanced technology of fluid dispensing solutions to support the development of China market with made-in Germany quality. We offer high-precision dispensing pumps and systems for automated dispensing applications. Whether if it comes to adhesive dispensing, dosing applications or potting – our products fulfill the requirements of even most complicate applications. We are committed to provide customers with reliable, exact, fast dosing. Our dosing systems and components are required for conveying, dosing, dispensing, filling as well as for emptying and treating of fluids and pastes. They function regardless of viscosity: For all materials with a viscosity of up to 7,000,000 mPas. Handling is pulsation-free and particularly low-shear. Our high-quality products are used in a wide variety of industries such as e-mobility, aerospace, electronics, food, biochemistry, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and medical technology.参会注册 Registration
展会地点:上海闵行星河湾酒店国际会议中心Chateau Star River Shanghai Minhang International Conference Center
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