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#English Study#What is the difference: Reserve, Preserve, and Conserve
Reserve can be a verb or a noun. As a verb it means to store for future use. As a noun, “reserve” means a supply of goods or materials. It is often used in plural form. “Reserve” as a noun also means a place where wildlife is protected. And lastly, as an uncountable noun, “reserve” means the act of keeping one’s feelings hidden.
“Preserve” as a verb means to protect something from change. And, like reserve, a preserve can also mean a place of protection for wildlife.
To “conserve” means to protect something from harm, destruction, loss, or change. Conserve also means to use little of a natural resource. And conserve can also be a noun. It means a sweet food made by preserving fruit with sugar.
#英语学习#Reserve, Preserve和Conserve有什么区别?
下面是一个小测试:He used a canning process to _____ tomatoes from the harvest.(他使用罐装工艺来保存丰收的西红柿。) 哪一个选项是正确的呢?
正确答案是C 你答对了吗?
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